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Hungary to the Czech Republic with a touch of Slovakia history. Some Pyrenean Mastiff History!
Hungary has had Pyrenean Mastiffs since 1993, though we do not know of any current active breeders in Hungary one known breeder was...

More Did you know? Plus some US history
History of the Pyrenean Mastiff building on a previous post from June. (For a recap:

PM History in Finland
Did you know? Some history of the Pyrenean Mastiff in Finland! Outside of Spain Finland has the largest Pyrenean Mastiff population! The...

PM History in Australia, Lithuania, and Estonia
Did you Know? Here is Australia, Lithuania, and Estonia. I am putting them together as they have smaller blurbs as there isn't as much...

Pyrenean Mastiff History in Poland
Did you know? The Pyrenean Mastiff history in Poland. Before we get started, I want to give a huge thank you to all the breeders and...

PM History in the Netherlands
Did you know? History of the Pyrenean Mastiff in the Netherlands We know the first known import to the Netherlands was Sandor in 1987 by...

PM History in Germany
Did you know? Some PM history in Germany! This one was a bit of a doozie as it is hard to find info on some of the kennels and I actually...

PM history in Italy
Did you know? Here is some History of the Pyrenean Mastiff in Italy! While we are in the United States some may think why is it important...

The PM in Russia
Did you know? Here is some history on the Pyrenean Mastiff in Russia. The first kennel to kick off in Russia was located in the Moscow...

The PM in Ukraine and Japan
Did you know? Some History on the Pyrenean Mastiff in Japan and Ukraine. I am putting them together because their history info is on the...

Some Fun Firsts
Did you know? Fun Pyrenean Mastiff first facts The first Pyrenean Mastiff arrived to the UK in 2002. The first Pyrenean Mastiff to arrive...

The change in 1982
Did you Know? We talked about the standard and how the 1st standard was from 1946-1982 then it was revised in 1982. There was a huge...

Did you know?
All dog breeds are defined by a Breed Standard. A breed standard is what makes a Pyrenean Mastiff look like a Pyrenean Mastiff. Breeders...

Here is some did you know History of the PM.
The primitive Pyrenean Mastiff lived in the providence of Huesca, Spain. History before this time is hard to track because the dogs...
Pyrenean Mastiff History
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